The right materials for every window.
The classic curtain. The curtain rings highlight the hanging system and move quietly and smoothly over glider inserts. In our extensive selection and variety of materials you will find exactly the right curtain pole for every form of decoration – made to measure for your room. Stainless steel for purists, fine brass for timeless elegance, iron for those who prefer the rustic look and natural wood or cable tensioners for filigree refinement. Discover a world of variety.
Greater span with integral.
Curtain poles with built-in structural strength: concealed in the curtain pole is a hardened steel wire which is tensioned by an eccentric screw in the end. The lever forces this generates raise the pole until it is 100% straight. The result: spans of up to 400 cm without a central bracket for greater freedom of movement – ideal for large window fronts or heavy fabrics. Can be used in almost all interstil curtain poles.
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